Bulan Mei ini ESRI akan mengadakan dua kali training ArcGIS 10 gratis secara online. Training semacam ini akan rutin diadakan tiap bulannya hingga saat ArcGIS 10 nanti di rilis. Training ArcGIS bulan ini masing-masing adalah Using Python in ArcGIS Desktop 10 pada 13 Mei 2010 dan Managing Imagery with ArcGIS 10 pada 20 Mei 2010
Dikutip dari websitenya, pelatihan ArcGIS 10 pada 13 Mei, Using Python in ArcGIS Desktop 10 akan mempelajari hal berikut :
The May 13 seminar will introduce Python scripting and its ability to automate common geographic information system (GIS) tasks and create tools with advanced geoprocessing capabilities, thereby increasing productivity. The use of Python scripting can also improve the quality of map documents, particularly when creating maps and related layers in the new ArcGIS 10 mapping module. In addition, Python helps ArcGIS users develop both simple and complex workflows quickly and easily. The seminar will demonstrate how to integrate the new ArcGIS for Python window and ArcGIS Field Calculator into workflows.
Sementara training pada 20 Mei, Managing Imagery with ArcGIS 10, akan mempelajari hal berikut :
In the May 20 imagery management seminar, attendees will learn about the Mosaic Dataset in ArcGIS 10, a new geodatabase data model that can be used to efficiently manage and serve imagery and raster data. The seminar will also introduce new tools and recommended workflows for managing large collections of imagery and raster files. Using imagery is important for many GIS applications, but it’s challenging to manage and disseminate large collections of data. The Mosaic Dataset in ArcGIS 10 makes those tasks easier.
Training gratis ini pendaftarannya akan dibuka 30 menit sebelum pelaksanaan, dan pesertanya terbatas, siapa cepat dia dapat. Dalam sehari akan diadakan 3 kali training. Selengkapnya silahkan kunjungi halaman web berikut : http://training.esri.com/campus/seminars/index.cfm
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